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In-Step Training

INFG is excited to share we are providing a training called: IN-STEP (A ministry of helping) by Michael Grubbs. Michael is a pastoral counselor with comprehensive experience as lead pastor, church planting pastor, associate pastor in roles relating to small groups, discipleship and counseling. He is a strong supporter of expository preaching with practical application, integrative biblical counseling and small group ministry connections. He has a heart for equipping leadership within churches to reach the un-churched and de-churched. He is passionate about preparing tomorrow's Christian leaders to develop healthy, biblically based ministries. He is able to teach, mentor, shepherd, and be accessible to the church staff and church adherents and holds a Doctor of Counseling degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary &maintains a private practice in Kansas City, The Lyndon Center.

This training is designed for anyone who is caring for and walking with hurting people in your circle. We will explore our why, what, how and also ways to stay healthy ourselves in the midst of helping. INFG would like to offer this highly-valued training for free as a thank you to each of you who serve the hurting.

July 7 - Friday night - 6-9ish - (Dinner Provided)
July 8 - Saturday - 9-3
- (light refreshments and Lunch Provided)

Crown Pointe Church
5950 NE Lakewood Way
Lee's Summit, MO 64086

June 14

Recovery Group

July 14

Jaron Myers Comedy Show!